We gave our lives to God with grateful hearts, back in the late 80's, after experiencing the love of God in powerful ways! We told the Lord, that since He had already made the way for everyone to experience salvation for their sins on the Cross, we could only offer to help anyone He would send across our path.
For the first 2 1/2 years we traveled to every church in Maryland that invited us to share our testimonies, and prayed with the sick afterwards. We saw God touch people everywhere He sent us, and there were a lot of salvations, emotional "inner healings," along with some physical healing.
After that, God led us to study His Word, for the next 2 1/2 years, spending up to 14 hours a day, using Strong's Bible Concordance to help us grasp the meaning and revelation of His Word in the original Hebrew and Greek. We continued to pray for the sick who came to our home, and everywhere God had "divine appointments" waiting for us to walk into.
Following that intense time in the Word, God began to bring people for us to help on some level. There were people to feed, clothe, shelter, give Bibles to, and to help materially as we were able. We helped the sick in their homes, visited those in prison, took prisoners in who were on day release, watched children for single mother's for free so they could go back to school, to work to save funds to purchase a car, or get into their own living space. We had a "soup kitchen", helped at a local food ministry for over 15 years, and took food out into the community for distribution. We grew gardens and gave the food away.
As the years went by, God positioned us in different "mini-stations" as He called them, to serve others. In Kentucky, we did taxes, fixed cars, made plumbing repairs, cleaned homes for the sick, gave away Bibles, prayed with many people, modeled righteousness, and told people about Jesus. In Berlin, we cooked and cleaned for a woman with gestational diabetes who was pregnant with twins for six months...and then helped care for the twins for the next year, due to the Mom's health problems, leading some of the family members to Jesus. That meant cooking for 10 people each day, washing 10 loads of their clothes each week, cleaning their house, taking care of the babies, etc. We gave shelter to new friends from Guatemala until they could get into their own place, gave shelter to visiting college students, watched children for free, counseled, and prayed with the sick in our home that had a "revolving door." In Ocean City, we helped children of drug addicts, sheltered domestic violence victims, fed the hungry, helped serve at free dinners and ministered at a local Christian coffeehouse and church, and led people to Jesus. In Hebron, we grew gardens that helped a community that was "red and yellow, black and white" to learn to "love one another"...even as we "loved them." We prayed for the sick, gave shelter to domestic violence victims, had house fellowship meetings, raked leaves for the elderly, and led people to Jesus. In Ocean Pines, we prayed with the sick or hurting in the community and in our home, sheltered prisoners on day release, other visiting ministers and their families, and traveled to tell our testimonies at churches and prayer groups throughout in Maryland. In Marion Station, we built relationships with neighbors, local church members, and residents of Somerset County, in preparation for future youth ministry there, to be called "The Barn." Donna's book was completed, and published in July 2014. The Lord then surprised us by moving us back to Hebron in October 2014. We are happy to be serving again in an area we had called home for seven years, and had loved. A vegetable garden was planted in the summer of 2015 at our new home in Hebron. Organic produce has blessed many friends, family, neighbors, along with HALO, a local homeless shelter that offers daily meals to the needy.
We ministered at churches around the Baltimore Beltway for a season in 2003, and then sporadically through the years to many states in the USA, and ministered across the pond in Wales on a Mission Trip, and to England, and Amsterdam. In 2008 we were led to begin "Fruitful 4 Him" House Fellowship. From mid 2010 to late 2012, we worked together with family to oversee the care of Donna's Mother, Mary, due to deteriorating health until she "went home to be with the Lord." In 2011 there was a Mission Trip to Alaska, in 2012 a Mission Trip to Arizona, and in 2013 a Mission Trip to Nicaragua. In 2013-2014, there was increased travel to at least a dozen cities for the Kingdom of God. In July 2014, Bob made a second incredible Mission Trip to Kisalaya, Nicaragua, which included two weeks of Ministry. In 2015, the pace for travel increased even more with significant trips to California and Pennsylvania, along with many repeat trips to New Jersey, Florida, and Kentucky. In 2016, the fast pace for travel for Bob has continued, taking him to many cities in Florida, Philadelphia and Lancaster, PA, five trips to Kentucky, New Jersey, Williamsburg, VA, and locally here on the Eastern Shore for Ministry. In 2017, Bob traveled to Washington, DC, to minister to youth, New Jersey, a Supernatural Conference in Pennsylvania, two cities in Kentucky, Texas, a third trip to Nicaragua, and local ministry at churches and home fellowship groups. 2018 began with a ministry trip for Bob and Donna to Washington, DC, to bring the New Year in with youth at the Ethiopian Church, two trips for Bob to Dallas, Texas in January and February, Florida in August, Nashville and Kentucky in September, a trip to Lancaster, PA, for an Apostolic Conference for Bob and Donna in October, and ending with a trip to Kentucky in November. There was much local ministry here on the Eastern Shore all year long as well!
We looked forward with great anticipation and expectations to seeing the Glory of God revealed in greater power, in, and through, our lives in 2019 and beyond! Bob traveled to Kentucky in April for Ministry, towing a vehicle to give to a family. He was dealing with a health issue but felt strong enough to make the journey and got there and back safely. He came home exhausted though and this led to a rapid fire string of hospital admissions through June. He ministered from morning to night during each hospital visit, to nursing staff, housekeeping staff, the Chaplains who'd come in to visit him, all his doctors, the Cafeteria staff, the transporters who took him for tests, etc. We'd go home briefly only to return to the hospital. At the end of that month, he made the decision to not have any more treatment and we moved to Hospice on June 26th. There was a steady stream of friends, family, doctors, and nurses, and he ministered to all no matter how he felt on the 27th. We never gave up hope that the tide would turn and his health would improve. God didn't give us any indication that he'd be "going home" and Bob was a trooper up until the last day which was the 28th. On that day he stopped talking in the morning and all day long. We kept his worship music playing and gathered around him during the day, loving on him. His breaths slowed towards supper time. We told him he was "surrounded by love" and going "home" to the One who IS love, and that it was okay if he wanted to go home. He took his last breath and went through the veil into the glory of God. There have been dreams by many who share what they've seen and heard about Bob that has truly blessed the family. A significant encounter by the Spirit for John, their son-in-law, two hours before Bob "went home" turned into 5 1/2 pages written down, that was extremely helpful to Donna and others in the two years since. Will share about that a little more later on...
Thank you for your prayers and intercession for Donna and her family as they transition into all the new things God has for them! It has taken a Team Effort for things to happen in God's Kingdom all these years! When everyone moved together in "unity" then God's glory is revealed! There were those who prayed, those who prophesied or confirmed what the Lord wanted to do, those who covered the finances or bought the tickets to make the trips or ministry possible, those who encouraged, those who made the travel arrangements, and those who went with their feet on the ground, whether it was Bob, Donna, or others who traveled with us. God BLESS all who have partnered with us in any special way through the years to help us be obedient to Holy Spirit's leading! We love and appreciate you all so very much and look forward to all the wondrous things God's got planned in the years to come! We know God has MORE for Global New Beginnings and will be walking by faith as He leads and guides!